About myself... adipiscing elit. Pellentesque imperdiet ligula sed quam. Proin quis orci quis massa dignissim molestie. Phasellus aliquam lacus sed enim. Ut tempor leo et erat. Sed pretium. Integer lectus. Cras rutrum, magna sed eleifend vestibulum, pede nisi imperdiet justo, ac accumsan turpis sem quis tortor. Nullam id lorem ut dui iaculis porttitor.

Praesent egestas erat interdum turpis. Donec et lacus. Nulla risus diam, mattis at, auctor non, viverra a, nulla


Welcome to my humble website. Here you will find a lot of information about me, John McKenzie. I've tried various sites such as Myspace, Friendstar, and Yahoo 360, but in the end I decided I needed my own personal space.

With this site I can have my blog, pictures, and general information out on the Internet without having to worry how "popular" I am. I hope you enjoy the site.

I have started a new web design partnership. This new venture, Best Consulting Ever, consists of me and my new business partner Dan Linehan.
I think this will be a great opportunity for the two of us. We work well together and he is super smart and super talented.
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